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02/01/2023 21:53:38

Read the following passage and choose the best answer

Ex3. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
The place where I live is a village. It is called Huong Tan,in Thai Binh province. Huong Tan
used to be a big village, but now it is quite small. These days, only about four hundred people live
here. A lot of families have left the village. They have gone to work in larger towns and cities
where there are more jobs. I like our village because it is small and quiet. But my older sister
doesn't like it. It isn't exciting enough for her. She prefers to live in a large city, where there are
more cinemas and discos and teenagers.
1. Huong Tan is .A.a city (B.a village C.the place where the author lives D.B & C are correct
2. Nowadays,
A. only about four hundred people live in Huong Tan
D. A & B are correct
B. Huong Tan is a big village C. Huong Tan is a small village
3. What does the word 'they' in line 3 refer to? A. villages B. days C. people D. families
A.peaceful B.crowded C.noisy D.nice
4. We can replace the word 'quiet' in line 4 with
5. Which of the following is not true? A.The author's sister doesn't like to live in Huong Tan.
B.The author's sister prefers to live in a large city. D.Many families've left the village.
C.The author likes living in larger cities as there're more jobs in the cities.
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