Mio Takamiya | Chat Online
05/01/2023 21:40:23

If you go to India (1) .......July, you should go to the Mango Festival. In India, mangoes

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
If you go to India (1)
July, you should go to the Mango Festival. In India, mangoes (2)
called "the king of fruits". Mangoes are grown in India and they were very popular.
The mango festival is in Delhi and goes on (3) two days. There are more than 500 types
of mango. You can taste (4) dif_____t mango dishes, mango jams, mango juices, mango
desserts and anything else with mango in it. There is also a competition with a prize for
the (5) biggest mango.
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