Vu Phuong Anh | Chat Online
08/01/2023 13:53:27

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Giải giúp mik vớiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns (Who, Whom, Which, that)
1. The girls
are playing skip rope are my friends.
he loved.
2. He finally married the girl,
3. The presents_
4. Tet is a festival
5. The men
7. The car
8. The book
Is this the pen you
12. The dog
13. The woman
9. Do you know the boy
10. The man
11. The actor
my mother gave me are very beautiful.
occurs in late January or early February.
you saw on TV were from China.
14. The news
15. These exercises,
16. Our grandparents,
17. Christmas is a festival
18. The girl.
.... won the prize is happy.
19. The bicycle in my house is mine..
20.I am using a sentence.
21. The man
22. Do you know the driver
23. My friend borrowed the book
24. The house
31. Those pupils,
32. These new clothes,
he has just bought is very expensive.
he is reading is on Christmas' Eve.
the police are looking for?
we met yesterday is a famous doctor.
Lan likes best is Lam Truong.
is barking is Lan's
you met yesterday is my teacher.
makes me happy is from Tam.
34. The girl
35. His shirt.
36. Miss Nga is a doctor
37. This my cousin
38. The teacher
25. The answer
26. What color is the dictionary
27. The little boy...
28. Would you please show me the shopkeeper
29. Would you mind giving me the shoes
30. The car
helped you yesterday is my uncle.
took them to the town last night?
........... was on that long shelf. painted violet is my uncle's.
is usually given to this question is very short.
.... is taken from the desk?
swam across the river is Hoa's brother.
33. He should return his book
the teacher asks you to do is difficult.
loved us so much died.
is on 24th December.
....contains an adjective clause.
is bought from HCM city is Lan's.
39. Mr Wilson is an architect
40. Mrs Green is a person
.... he borrows from the library.
left for London last week is his girlfriend.
is white is expensive.
always helps the poor people.
.... gave you this bag?
are under your chair?
look very eager have just passed the exam.
she intends to buy are expensive.
came here yesterday.
41. I have an apartment
42. The sunlight.
43. He saw the man
44. The students
45. The taxi driver
46. The perfect teacher is someone
usually helps his students is very polite.
.draw this chart.
all children like very much
overlooks the park.
comes through the window wakes me up early every morning.
closed the door.
sits next to me is from England.
took me to the airport is friendly.
loves his students.
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