An Mạc | Chat Online
10/01/2023 14:45:49

Complete the gaps with a, an, the or zero article

giupa mình với nha giải thích được thì càng tốt ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex. 6 Read the article about Hawaii, and complete the gaps with a, an, the or zero article (0).
Welcome To Hawaii
popular holiday destination. But which island should you choose for your holiday in (2)
Hawaii is (1)
All (3)
Oahu Island. Oahu is the most populated
international flights go from the capital, Honolulu, on
island and (4)
surfing competitions take place here.
Oahu is also (5)_
home of the famous Waikiki beach. International
place for shops, restaurants and the best
white sandy beaches with
Maui is the most romantic island and ideal for relaxing. There are (6)
turquoise water, and in summer the waves are small and perfect for inexperienced surfers. In winter, you can
see whales in the warm water. Maui is ideal for nature lovers and visitors fall in love with (7)_
island's natural beauty.
Big Island is cheaper and for the more adventurous visitors. You can go to (8)_
mountain 4000 metres above (9)_
_sea level and enjoy (10)_
top of the highest
_amazing view.
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