Aires Swender | Chat Online
11/01/2023 21:25:22

Dịch đoạn văn sau

A computer is a wonderful machine. It is the most important mention in our modern time. Computers have had a great effect on science, industry, business, machine, and education. Soon it will touch the lives of everyone, even people in distant villages. It is a revolutionary invention. Imagine that you go and study English at a college where the local newspaper rarely has news about your home town, but this does not bother you at all. You can sit comfortably in your room, turn on your personal computer, and search the news you want on Internet. The screen is immediately filled with news from all over the world. Computers can do all kinds of work. When someone buys something in a department store, a clerk puts information about the sale into a computer. During the night, the computer system works on the information from all the sales that day. In the morning the manager can print out a report on everything that was sold and also on everything that must be reordered.
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