Mio Takamiya | Chat Online
27/01/2023 21:18:07

Cách up lên win 11

Mọi người ơi giúp mình khi mình up lên win 11 thì nó ra vậy mình nên chọn cái nào vậy mn?
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Pick your Insider settings
Dev Channel
Ideal for highly technical users. Be the first to access the latest Windows 11 builds earliest in the
development cycle with the newest code. There will be some rough edges and low stability.
Beta Channel (Recommended)
Ideal for early adopters. These Windows 11 builds will be more reliable than builds from our Dev
Channel, with updates validated by Microsoft. Your feedback has the greatest impact here.
Release Preview
Ideal if you want to preview fixes and certain key features, plus get optional access to the next
version of Windows before it's generally available to the world. This channel is also
recommended for commercial users.
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