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29/01/2023 09:52:29

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Complete the passage
Today we have heard so many stories about all kinds of pollution on earth (..1..) water pollution, air pollution and others.
Television and other digital media also (..2..) a lot of news on this matter. All of these kinds of pollution fall into the catergory
of environmental pollution. It is a term that refers (..3..) all the ways in which man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the
air with exhaust gases and smoke, (..4..) the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with too
many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings in (..5..) other ways. For example, people ruin natural
beauty by (..6..) junk and litter on the land and in the water. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems
(..7..) mankind today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the (..8..) of all living things. Badly polluted air can (..9..) illness,
and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available
for growing food. Environmental pollution also (..10..) man's natural beautiful world.
1. A. so as
B. such as
B. follow
B. to
C. so that
B. poisoning
B. variety
B. collecting
B. holding
2. A. protest
3. A. with
4. A. poisons
5. A. vary
6. A. picking
7. A. appearing
8. A. lifestyle
9. A. cause
10. A. preserves
B. expectation
B. make
B. spoils
C. cover
C. on
C. poisoned
C. various
C. cleaning
C. keeping
C. profit
C. rise
C. protects
D. as if
D. play
D. in
D. poisonous
D. variation
D. leaving
D. facing
D. survival
D. lead
D. improv
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