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31/01/2023 21:15:13

Read the following passage and decide if the statements that follow TRUE or FALES

Part 6: Read the following passage and decide if the statements that follow TRUE or FALES 
Earth Day is a birthday! Just like a special day to celebrate a person, Earth Day is a special day that celebrates the Earth. It is a day to remember to take care of our planet.
Earth Day was born on April 22, 1970, in san Francisp, California. It is now the largest, most celebrated environmental event worldwide. Every year, many countries around the world join together  in the celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd. On Earth Day, people celebrate by doing  things that help to protect  the environment. Some things  people do to help the Earth are: turn off the lights to conserve energy, plant trees recycle, and pick up garbage in their communities. 
You don't have to  wait for Earth Day though, you can help  the environment every day!
1. The first Earth Day was celebrated around the world. -------------------- 
Earth Day is a day to take care of our planet, Earth. -----------------------
Every year, only a few countries celebrate Earth Day. ---------------------
Turning lights off is a way to save energy. ---------------------
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