Lê Đình Dũng | Chat Online
04/02/2023 12:44:56

Choose the underlined part that needs correction

V. Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

1. Do (A) you have (B) a harvest festival (C) on (D) your country?

2. Thanksgiving are (A) traditionally celebrated (B) with a (C) feast among (D) family and me.

3. Why is (A) turkey a (B) special animal in (C) some country (D)?

4. Did you stayed (A) in a (B) resort during (C) your vacation in (D) Thailand?

5. Is it (A) a traditional (B) in America to eat (C) turkey on (D) Thanksgiving Day?

6. Do (A) she spend (B) a week in (C) Spain participating (D) in the festival last year?

7. Will (A) you buy a (B) big Christmas tree and (C) has (D) lots of decorations?

8. Do (A) they hold (B) the Festival for the Dead once (C) a year in Japanese (D)?

9. Does she accept (A) to hostess (B) my birthday celebration (C) this evening Saturday (D)?

10. Did (A) you interested in (B) festivals celebrated (C) by holding (D) street parades and bonfires?

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