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04/02/2023 22:28:02

Work became more mechanized, more clerical

Sports in North America go back to the Native Americans, who played forms of lacrosse and field
hockey. During colonial times,........(1), still a small park in southern Manhattan. However, organized
sports competitions and local participatory sports on a substantial scale go back only to the late 19th
century. Schools and (2).
began to loosen strictures against leisure and physical pleasures. As (3)...... and less physical during the
.....emphasizing physical as well as mental vigor, and churches
late 19th century, Americans became concerned with diet and exercise. With sedentary urban activities
replacing rural life, Americans used sports and outdoor relaxation to balance lives that had become hurried
and confined. Biking, tennis and golf became popular for those who could afford them, while (4)
city activities. At the same time, organizations such as the Boy Scouts and (5)........ as a part
of their efforts to counteract untruly behavior among young people.
H. early Dutch settlers bowled on New York City's Bowling Green
I. sandlot baseball and an early version of baseball became popular
J. football was played by men first
K. work became more mechanized, more clerical
7 vo
L. colleges began to encourage athletics as par of a balanced program
M. sports and games affected many schools and colleges
N. the young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) began to sponsor sports
H. high school held extra-curricula activities
150 P
(giải giúp tớ với huhu)
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