In each space put few - a few - little - a little to complete the sentences----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh ----- V. In each space put few - a few - little - a little to complete the sentences. 1. If you have *****. not working very well. 2. She is quite poor. Ever since she lost her job last year, she's had 3. I don't want any more wine, thank you. I have.... .... here. 4. Jack has 5. You know ... time, could you come and have a look at my computer? It's friends and is often at home alone. I worry about him, you know. ... people here, don't you? I'll leave you to chat. That new employee is great. She asked me a few questions at the start and, since then, seems to need .... 66 7. I have... you want and stop wasting my time. 8. Add... ...... salt to the soup. It needs it! 9. "How many extra chairs do you need for the dinner tonight?" We have almost all the chairs we need." ... help. A very independent type! patience for your stupid questions Smithers. Now tell me what *** 10. This hotel is we changed! 11. The postman doesn't often come here. We receive 12. The snow was getting quite deep. I had. 13. A: I'm having 14. I shall be away for .... better than the one where we were last year! I don't know why 15. Tony is a keen golfer, but unfortunately he has 16. I could speak 17. Could I have money. ......... letters. hope of getting home that night. trouble fixing this shelf. B: Oh, dear. Can I help you? days from tomorrow. ..... ability. words of Swedish, but I wasn't very fluent. cream, please? people were flying because of terrorist activities. 18. Very ... 19. Can you speak English? - Just 20. He gave **** thought to his future. |