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07/02/2023 18:48:41

Nhìn hình ảnh và tóm tắt lại nội dung bài trong ảnh

nhìn hình ảnh và tóm tắt lại nội dung bài trong ảnh
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
The Trick: a Story Summary
The title of the story is “The trick,” and the characters of this story are Hakan, Musa, Pina
and Atik.
The story took place in a small village.
And this is how the story began.
Once upon a time, there lived two good friends they are Hakan and Musa. Hakan noticed
that his horse was sick, so he told his wife that he wanted to sell his horse."
His wife disagreed since he should not sell a sick horse and certainly not sell it to his
friend. But Hakan explained that he will sell it to a good price to his friend.
Unfortunately, Musa was watering the plants and heard this conversation. He didn't feel
good about what he heard and wanted to teach his friend a lesson.
The next day, Musa and Hakan were drinking coffee together and Musa asked his friend if he
knew somebody who was selling a horse.
This was the time Hakan tricked him.
Hakan said his horse was very strong and fast so Musa agreed to buy it and went to his
house the next day.
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