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11/02/2023 16:12:38

Rewrite the sentence using the conditional type 01, 02

Exercise 04: Rewrite the sentence using the conditional type 01, 02.
1. You are so nervous because you drink too much coffee.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… …………………………
2. I’ll call the teacher if you don’t leave me alone.
→ Unless ……………..…… ………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ………………….
3. Take up this course. You will like it.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… …………………………
4. Don’t tell your parents. They will be surprised.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..………………………………………
5. As I don’t have money, I can’t buy a new car.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… ………………….
6. Follow the instructions or you will ruin everything.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… ………………….
7. I can’t meet my girlfriend because I have to study.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… …………………
8. Stay away from this place or I’ll report the area’s security.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… …………………
9. We’ll set off tomorrow. The weather will be good.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… …………………
10. When you ask me for the car, I will lend it to you.
→ Unless ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ………………….
11. He isn’t a good runner because he doesn’t train every day.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… ………………….
12. I don’t know how this machine works so I don’t use it
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… ………………….
13. I don’t have enough time to learn how to play golf.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… ………………….
14. You will choose some other hotel. You won’t be happy about it.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… …………………
15. There are too many cars. As a result, our planet is polluted
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… ………………….
16. You won’t eat anything. You’ll be hungry. → If ……………..……………..……………..……………..…..………………………
17. I don’t buy a new mobile phone because I don’t have enough money.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… …………………
18. You’re tired because you go to bed late. → If ……………..……………..……………..……… ……………..………………………
19. The reason I was late was that my alarm clock didn’t work.
→ If ……………..……………..……………..……………..……………..…………… ……….……………..……………..…………… …………………
20. You eat the whole cake. You feel sick. → If ……………..…………………….……..……………… ……… ….… ………………….
21. Don’t forgot your coat or you will get a cold
→ If
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