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14/02/2023 20:35:15

Read the text. Fill in the gaps with although / though or however

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the text. Fill in the gaps with although / though or however.
Mai had lots of homework to do, she agreed to go shopping with her
Mai prefers to buy
friend Mark Mark loves to buy jeans and T-shirts. (2)
Sportswear (3)
centre. Mark, as always, had more cash than Mai (4)
it rained, they set off on Sunday morning for the town
Mai was better
at buying things at a lower price. They were hungry and had lunch at the local
burger bar. (5)
they had spent nearly all their money, there were still
few shops that Mark wanted to visit. (6)
they had aching feet, Mai and
Mark ended up spending a few more hours shopping
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