Tuệ Anh Nguyễn | Chat Online
20/02/2023 22:14:50

Rewrite the sentences keeping the same meaning, using the clues

giải hộ tui đống bài tập này với, giải xong có quà ;)
Rewrite the sentences keeping the same meaning, using the clues
1.Although there was a traffic jam, they still went to the company in time 
=> In spite of...
2.They find the film "Transformers" exciting (excited)
Write questions for the underlined parts
1.We're going to travel to Phu Quoc island by air.
2.The distance between here and the nearest post office is about 500 metrers 
3.It took us 30min to go home yesterday 
4.New Year's Day is celebrated on the first day of the new year.
5.Yes, they do. They eat candy apples on Halloween 
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