Anh Thư Nguyễn | Chat Online
23/03/2023 20:26:47

Match a word/phrase in column A with its definition in column B, write the answer in each blank

giúp tui vớii:(
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
on the
C. condition
C. astronomy
B. discovery
C. accommodate
III. Match a word/ phrase in column A with its definition in column B, write the
5. A.
in each blank.
1. alien (n)
2. spaceship (n)
3. solar system (n)
4. galaxy (n)
5. UFO
6. planet (n)
7. orbit
8. satellite
9. astronaut (n)
A. a large body in space that moves around the sun
B. Unidentified Flying Object
C. having no weight, especially when travelling in space
D. a creature that comes from another planet
E. a large group of stars and planets in outer space
F. a vehicle in which people can travel in space
G. a person who travels in a spaceship
H. the sun and the planets that move around it
I. a man-made object that has been sent into space and
that moves around a planet
J. the path taken by something (a planet, a satellite, etc.)
going round something else in space
D. adventure
D. astronaut
D. inhabitant
D. unsuitable
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