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10/04/2023 20:34:29

Exercise 8

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 8
Is there life on Mars? Many people have (1)
science-fiction think of people from Mars (2)
monsters withmany eyes.
In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars. The first (3)
of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth. In other words, Earth's seasons, such as spring or
summer, occur on Mars, too. Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for (4).
higher (5)
forms to be found on Mars.
and other
Astronomers also think that perhaps a small (6).
of water vapor could be found on Mars.
In 1887, an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparelli, discovered markings on Mars' surface. These markings
lookedlike canals. This finding (7)
astronomers to believe that since water exists on Mars, life
forms could exist as well.
However, there are (8)_
who feel that life on mars is not possible. This is because there is
little or no (9)
of oxygen on the planet. In 1965, the Mariner IV capsule managed to take
photographs of the planet. It discovered that the only forms of life found are vegetation like fungi and
mosses. (10)
, people remain fascinated by the idea that there could one day be life on Mars.
1. A. puzzled
2. A. like
3. A. indication
4. A. vegetables
5. A. lively
6. A. quantity
7. A. got
8. A. others
9. A. mark
10. A. According
B. asked
B. to be
B. print
B. vegetation
B. lives
about this question. Some writers of
little green creatures. Others imagine 'Martians' as
B. amount
B. took
B. another
B. shape
B. Nevertheless
C. wondered
C. as being
C. mark
C. vegetarian
C. live
C. number
C. made
C. other
C. trace
C. Thus
D. confused
D. as
D. trace
D. vet
D. life
D. mass
D. brought
D. some other
D. way
D. Consequently
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