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16/04/2023 13:30:25

Fill each gap with ONE word

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Fill each gap with ONE word
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and (..1..) of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It lies on seven hills and goes (..2..)
those hills to the sea. The highest hill is three hundred meters (..3..) the sea. From the street in the center of the city you
can (..4..) ships coming to Edinburgh from (..5..) countries in the world. In the "old town" the streets are narrow. The tall
houses (..6..) narrow windows go up the hill to Edinburgh castle (..7..) is one thousand years old. The modern town lies
(..8..) the foot of the hills. The streets here are straight and well planned, (..9..) it is easy to walk in the city (..10..) you go
sightseeing in Edinburgh. People say that (..11..) two cities in the world are so well planned: Edinburgh and Leningrad. Many
great men (..12..) lived and worked in Edinburgh. Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet, published his first book (..13..)
poems in Edinburgh. There is a monument to him in the city. Walter Scott, the father of historical novel in the world literature,
was (..14..) in Edinburgh. The monument to Walter Scott is in the main street of the city. Robert Stevenson, a famous English
writer, was also born and lived in Edinburgh. He loved the (..15..) and wrote about it in his best novels. Go to Settings to activate
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