NMN | Chat Online
27/04/2023 16:40:02

1. Can you list some types of pollution? 2. What are some cause of water pollution? 3. What do you think about the emvironmental problerms in your country? 4. Have you ever pick up trash everywhere in your school? 5. What do you do to reduce the pollution in your neiborhood/ your school?

1. Can you list some types of pollution ?
2. What are some cause of water pollution ?
3. What do you think about the emvironmental problerms in your country?
4. Have you ever pick up trash everywhere in your school?
5. What do you do to reduce the pollution in your neiborhood/ your school?
1. Do you have a robot helper at home?
2. Tell some negative efects of robot.
3. Where do you think we will live in the future?
4. Do you want to live in a smart home? Why?/ Why not ?
5. What new technology could you not live without?
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