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05/05/2023 22:40:55

Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root

Choose on sentence that has the same meaning as the root
1. Travelling by car us often faster than travelling by bus
A. Travelling by bus isn't as fast as travelling by car
B. Travelling by bus is as fast as travelling by car
C. Travelling by bus isn't as fast as travel by car
D. Travelling by bus isn't as slow as travelling by car
2. My parents intend to organize a skiing holiday for us over christmas.
A. We will organize a skiing holiday ove christmas
B. We organize a skiing holiday over christmas
D. We went to organize a skiing holiday over christmas
3. I advise you to shop at Internet shops with a padlock icon beside the web address
A. You shouldn't shop at Internet shops with a padlock icon beside the web address.
B. You must shop at Internet shops with a padlock icon beside the web address
C. You have to shop at Internet shops with a padlock icon beside the web address.
D. You should shop at Internet shops with a padlock icon beside the web address.
4. The Pyramid of Djoser is older than any other pynamids in the world
A. the Pyramid of Djoser is the old pyramid the world.
B. The Pyramid of Djoser is the oldest Pyramid in the world.
C. The Pyramid of Djoser is the older Pyramid in the world
D. The Pyramid of Djoser the newest Pyramid in the world
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