Shall Fen Shall | Chat Online
15/05/2023 20:22:53

Complete the conversation. Use the shops from exercise 1

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2 ★★ Complete the conversation. Use the shops
from Exercise 1.
So, here's the shopping list.
OK, where do we have to go first?
Let me see. Well, we need Dad's newspaper.
Let's go to the newsagent's first.
Wait a minute. What else do we need?
MIA Well, we need to buy stamps for this letter.
The 1
isn't far. Let's go.
No, no, no, I need to get jeans first. We could
start at the 2
Don't forget. We need to get a book for Mum
first. Remember - it's her birthday soon. The
closes at 5!
LIAM Absolutely, and I need some medicine for Dad.
The 4
isn't too far from there.
MIA OK, and there's a
where we can
buy all the food we need for tonight.
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