NT phương linh | Chat Online
31/05/2023 12:07:58

Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one

32. My house/ clean/ my mother/ moment.
33. If/ I/ be/ you,/I/ not buy/ that novel.
VIII. Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root on
34. He didn't go to work yesterday because he was sick.
→Because of.
35. My grandfather is old, but he cycles 10 kilometers every morning.
> Even though.
36. My sister will prepare dinner in the kitchen tonight
-> Dinner
37. It's one week since we cleaned our room.
→ We haven't..
38. Speak slowly or he can't understand what you mean.
→ If you.
39.."Does your brother live in this city?"
>Lan asked me
40. Jane cooks better than her sister.
->Jane's sister doesn't.
Mrs Mai Phuong
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