Vy Dương | Chat Online
11/06/2023 21:52:28

Read the questions below and complete the text about a prisoner by using "wh- words + to infinitive"

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
(we' not know) we don't know where to pult.
4. What should I write my home paper about?
(have no idea on I have no idea of writting my home pap
5. How should I start the engine?
(no one could tell) No one could tell me how to start the
9. Read the questions below and complete the text about a prisoner by using "wh- words + to
0. How can she make him quit?
1. What should he eat?
2. Where should I go?
3. Which restaurant should he go in?
4. How can he start a healthy diet?
5. Who should I contact?
6. What can I do now?
My best friend, Pete is gaining weight. I do not know (0) how to make him quit eating fast food. I
advised him (1) to lose weight but nothing changed. I noticed that sometimes he would smell like
hamburgers. I started to suspect that he had broken his promise to eat well. One day, I had no
idea (2)
so I went for a walk. When I was walking along the street, I saw my best friend. It
Finally, he came in McDonalds. I also went in
seemed that he couldn't decide (3)_
and sat in front of him. He is so surprised and said to me that "I am sorry. I need some advice on
I promised to help him but in fact, I am not sure (5)
to ask for
advice. Could anyone can tell me (6)
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