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18/06/2023 08:49:12

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Complete the passage
Plants grow in (..1..) every part of the world. We see such plants as flowers, grass, and trees nearly every day. Plants
grow high on mountaintops, far out in the oceans, and in many desert and polar regions. (..2..) plants, there could be no
life on earth. Man could not live without air or food, and so he could not live without plants. The oxygen in the air we
breathe comes from plants. The food we eat also comes from plants or from animals that eat plants. We build houses
and make many useful products from (..3..) cut from trees. Much of our clothing is made from the fibers of the cotton
plant. Scientists believe there are more than 350,000 species of plants, but no one knows for sure. Some of the smallest
plants, called diatoms, can be seen only (..4..) a microscope. A drop of water may hold as many as 500 diatoms. The
largest living things (..5..) are the giant sequoia trees of California. Some of them (..6..) more than 290 feet high and
measure over 30 feet wide.
Scientists divide all living things into two main groups - plants and animals. It is usually easy to tell the two (..7..). Almost
all kinds of plants stay in one place, but nearly all species of animals move about under their own (..8..). Most plants
make their own food from air, sunlight, and water. Animals cannot make their own food. The basic units of all life, called
cells, are also different (..9..) plants and animals. Most plant cells have thick walls that (..10..) a material called cellulose.
Animal cells do not have this material.
1. A. the most
2. A. Except
3. A. branches
4. A. with
5. A. with many
6. A. raise
7. A. difference
8. A. ability
9. A. from
10. A. contain
B. mostly
B. No
B. woods
B. by
B. of all
B. receive
B. aside
B. feet
B. in
B. consist
C. most
C. Besides
C. trunk
C. in
C. in whole
C. stand
C. apart
C. power
C, among
C. compose
D. almost
D. Without
D. lumber
D. from
D. for most
D. count
D. separate
D. strength
D. between
D. appear
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