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18/06/2023 08:52:11

Read and answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
X. Read and answer
These days, power is a big concern for many countries. People are using more and more electricity, but our traditional
sources of electricity, coal and oil, are getting smaller and smaller. In addition, both coal and oil power plants create a lot
of pollution. How will we get enough electricity in the future? Some scientists are looking to the sky for answers. The sun
is an almost endless source of energy. Every minute, the Earth gets enough energy from the sun to provide the world
with electricity for a year. The problem is that this energy is in the form of heat and light. To use this energy, we need to
change it into electricity. Solar cells already do this for calculators and other electronics. Unfortunately, solar cells only
produce a small amount of electricity. We can make larger solar cells, but it is very expensive. Instead, scientists are
now trying to build solar power plants. These power plants would use thousands of huge mirrors to focus the light of the
sun on a small place, where it would create a lot of heat. The heat would then be used to create electricity. This creates
more electricity than solar cells, but not enough. The biggest solar power plant in the world creates 15 mega watts of
electricity. In contrast, most nuclear power plants create about 1,000 mega watts of electricity.
C. nuclear power
D. the sun
1. Which of the following is a traditional source of electricity?
A. oil
B. water
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. People are using more and more electricity.
B. The sun is a limited source of energy.
C. Our traditional sources of electricity are getting smaller and smaller.
D. Solar cells only produce a small amount of electricity.
3. As mentioned in the passage, making larger solar cells is
A. very expensive
B. not expensive
4. The word "create" is closest in meaning to
A. work
B. do
5. What does the writer mainly discuss in the passage?
A. solar cells
B. power
C. really cheap
C. produce
C. nuclear plants
D. quite cheap
D. protect
D. pollution
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