QUốc Huy Nguyễn | Chat Online
19/06/2023 12:44:58

"(1) That's great! I'm so happy you're able to come! I know we'll have a good time

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
"(1) That's great! I'm so happy you're able to come! I know we'll have a good time.
(2) I'd rather go on the bus than cycle, if that's OK with you, because my bike is broken at the moment.
(3) Why don't we take some sandwiches with us? I'll ask my mum to make some. Could you bring some bottles of water?
I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid I can't come to your house afterwards, (4) because my grandparents are coming to visit then. But thanks for
asking me - maybe I could come next week instead?
Which sentences...
a. says what form of transport he prefers?
b. explains why he can't go to Sam's house (1)
c. says how he feels about Sam coming to (3)
d. suggest what food to take?
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