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23/06/2023 08:41:10

Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
B. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d.
Is Australia the world's largest island or its smallest continent? Actually,
it's both. In fact, Australia is the only country that is also a continent. Although.
roughly the size of the United States mainland, Australia has a population of
about 16.5 million people. That makes this island nation one of the least
densely populated countries. What ethnic groups make up the Australia
population? The majority of Australians are of English, Irish, Italian, Greek,
Dutch, and Polish descent. However, over the past 50 years, some four million
people from more than 120 countries have made Australia their home. This
includes a large number of Asian and African immigrants.
In addition to being the smallest, Australia is also the driest inhabited.
continent. Lush green pastures may be typical in sheep farming areas. However,
most of the land, particularly in the Outback, is so arid that people are unable
to live on it in its undeveloped state. That explains why most Australians live
in metropolitan areas, many of which line the coast. and why Australia is
considered one of the world's more urbanized countries.
a. is larger than the US.
e. has the most population
11. Millions people from many countries
- descent (n): nguồn gốc; dòng dõi
9. The passage mainly discusses the
a. history of Australia
c. growth of Australia
b. population of
d. geographical
10. According to the passage, Australia is one of the country that
b. has a large population
d. has the least population
- arid (adj): khó cần (đã
features of Australia
a. emigrated to Australia
e. left Australia for Asia and Africa d. lived in Australia
12. Why do most Australian live in metropolitan areas?
a. Because most of the land is used for sheep farming
b. Because most of the land is very dry.
c. Because most of the land is covered with green pastures.
d. Because most of the land is already being cultivated.
13. Which of the following sentences is not true?
a. Australia is the world's smallest continent.
b. built their houses in Australia
b. Many of Australia's present inhabitants are descended from English,
Irish, Italian, Greek, Dutch, and Polish.
c. Most of the Australia's land has been used for agriculture, industry, or building.
d. The majority of Australia's population live in or near the coast.
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