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25/06/2023 11:27:47

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Complete the passage
Some foods can be very expensive because the ingredients are (..1..) very hard to find or take a long time to grow.
Lobsters are expensive anywhere in the world (..2..) a number of things. Lobsters need five to seven years to grow about
500 grams. The lobsters that are (..3..) in restaurants are usually one or two kilograms and probably over 30 years old. (..4..)
there is no way to tell how old they are, scientists think that lobsters can live up to 50 years. Lobsters carry about 50,000
eggs, but only two baby lobsters will actually be (..5..) to live in the ocean. The mother lobster lays the eggs and the eggs
stick (..6..) the mother. After a few weeks, the eggs float by themselves. At this time, most of the eggs get (..7..) by other
fish in the sea. Lobsters are very hard to catch (..8..) they hide under corals, and they are smart animals. Laws around the
world also say that fishermen can only catch very big lobsters, (..9..) the smaller baby lobsters have time to grow. This
(..10..) it even harder for fishermen to catch many lobsters.
1. A. neither
B. either
2. A. instead of
3. A. served
4. A. Because
5. A. too strong
6. A. with
7. A. eaten
8. A. so
9. A. in case
10. A. causes
B. according to
B. caught
B. Although
B. enough strong
B. on
B. cared
B. or
B. even so
B. makes
C. also
C. thanks for
C. fed
C. Unless
C. strong enough
C. to
C. stuck
C. until
C. so that
C. results
D. even
D. due to
D. raised
D. When
D. so strong
D. in
D. hatched
D. as
D. as if
D. brings
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