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B1 preliminary test 3 part 4

b1 preliminary test 3 part 4
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Part 4
Questions 16-20
Five sentences have been removed from the text below.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.
Steve Dalway's cycle ride
Steve Dalway has recently completed an amazing bike ride between the US
cities of Los Angeles and Boston, a distance of nearly 5,500 km. He and
ten other cyclists took part in a trip organised by a company that provided a
mechanic, planned the accommodation and route, and carried the cyclists' bags.
Even with these, the ride involved a huge amount of effort.
Steve had already completed another long cycle ride in Europe. 17
For example, he knew that on any ride, eating properly is important. When you
don't eat enough, your ability to recover after hard exercise is reduced. For this
reason, he always made sure he had a large breakfast before setting off every
morning. 18
The sight of the hotel at the end of the day was still very
welcome, however!
One of the toughest times for the riders in the US was when the route climbed
high into the Rocky Mountains. By the end of that part of the ride, Steve had
climbed an amazing 28,000 m in total.
An early section of the ride, for instance, took the group of cyclis
through the Mojave desert, where the high temperatures made them feel as if
they were in an oven. In the desert, Steve had to drink four litres of liquid every
40 km in order to keep going.
The cyclists used paper maps and had electronic devices to record the distan
they travelled. So that everyone knew what they'd be facing the next day, a bi
map was displayed every evening in the hotel where the group were staying.
At first the cyclists were disappointed when the black line draw
on the map by the organisers only moved forward by small amounts, despite
all the day's work. At the end of the ride, however, they felt very proud of wha
they'd achieved.
He therefore had an idea of what to expect on this one.
It also allowed them to see the progress they had made.
He was surprised that he had gone so fast.
Doing that gave him the energy he needed to keep going.
It also arranged stops every 50 km for snacks and drinks.
This ride would be 1,000 km longer.
As a result, Steve's family knew how he was feeling each day
There were other challenges, too.
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