Nguyễn Xuân Chính | Chat Online
09/07/2023 07:48:18

Check and correct the mistakes

Lm hộ mik vs
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
CD Circle the correct word(s)
4 John is going to / will going to get a new computer next week.
5 My mom bought two cartons of milk / milks.
6 Sarah is John's friend. They/ She go to the same school.
7 There isn't many / much homework today.
Sam and John's / Sam's and John's science project.
his / him
8 This is
9 Mr. Lewis is a popular teacher at school. Everyone likes
are going / go
to the movies tomorrow.
10 We
E Check and correct the mistake. There is one correct sentence in each gro
1 Were Jack and Tom play basketball yesterday?
2 Sandy and Paul isn't running now.
3 Are your sister going to stay home this Saturday?
4 Something is smelling wonderful. What is it?
5 Is this your pen? Yes, it's mine.
6 Tom wasn't sleeping at 11:30 last night.
7 Are your friends study math every day?
8 I have a little comic books at home.
a lot.
9 Did you see many childs on the playground yesterday?
0 Is it rain outside now?
iot pla
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