thiên mai | Chat Online
10/07/2023 14:48:50

Choose the best answer

Làm chính xác giúp mik
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Choose the best answer
1. Lan asked her teacher what requirements she .....
A. needs to do
B. needed doing
2. I asked Martha..
A. was she planning
3. I wondered .......
A. whether I was doing
4. He wants to know whether I..
to enter law school.
B. is she planning
...... the right thing.
B. if I am doing
C. need to do
C. if she was planning
as a monitor.
C. was I doing
back home.
C. will come
A. come
B. came
5. They said that they had been driving through the desert.
A. the previous day
B. yesterday
C. the last day
D. needed to do
D. are you planning.
D. am I doing
D. would come
D. Sunday previously
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