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16/07/2023 07:53:03

For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
PART 5 Questions 25-30
For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap.
Example: 0
1st email
Hi Sue!
Just to let you know I will (O) in New York
on Wednesday for a (25)................... days!
It would be great to meet for dinner. I'm staying
with my parents at a hotel in the city centre.
Tell me if you are free, and a place (26).................
we can meet.
Hope to see you then.
2nd email
Hi Pete!
Thanks for your e-mail! Yes, I'd like to see you
when you (27) New York!
How about meeting on Thursday, (28)..
7.00pm for dinner? (29)............... is a great
Mexican restaurant in the centre of the city.
(30) like Mexican food? I love it!
Phone me when you arrive!
Looking forward to seeing you!
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