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18/07/2023 08:23:31

Read the passage below and choose the Write your answers A B C or D on your answer sheet

giải thích lấy từ đoạn nào dùm e với ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Read the passage below and choose the
Write your answers A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (5 pts)
Much of the great progress the human race has made during the past four centuries has been brought about by new
inventions. The machines man has created do much of the hard work which he had to do previously. As a result, people who
live today have much easier lives with more time for recreation than people who lived several hundred years ago.
We should think, therefore, that everybody would welcome' a new invention and honor the inventor. But this has not always
been true. A Frenchman named Thimonnier invented a sewing machine in 1830. This machine made it possible for one tailor
to do the work of several; and it also made his work much easier. But instead of welcoming the new invention, the tailors
smashed the machine to pieces. They feared that it would throw many of them out of work.
However, if an invention is a good one, in time it is practically always accepted. The sewing machine was improved and found
to be a good invention for tailors as well as for others. It caused ready-made clothes to become much less expensive, so that
more people could buy them. Then more tailors instead of fewer were needed.
1. This article as a whole is about
A. the tailors of France
C. the money inventors make
2. The French tailors smashed the machine to pieces because
B. the need for more recreation
D. inventions and their effects
A. they feared these machines would throw their clothes out of their workshop
B. they wanted to keep the tradition of making everything by hand
C. they feared these machines would take away their jobs
D. they would have to hire more workers to run the machines
3. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Everybody always welcomes a new invention. B. In time, good inventions are nearly always accepted by people.
C. The sewing machine proved to be a good thing. D. The sewing machine made clothes cheaper.
4. The word "smashed" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. crashed
B. broke
C. threw
5. The effects of the invention of the sewing machine
A. ready-made clothes became cheaper
C. more tailors were needed
D. divided
include all of these EXCEPT_
B. the tailor's work became much easier
D. more tailors were unemployed
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