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18/07/2023 15:38:44

Read the passage, and then choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
XV. Read the passage, and then choose the best answer.
Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is the best all-round forms of exercise. It can help to
increase your strength and energy, giving you a stronger heart. You don't carry the weight of your body on
your feet when cycling. It is also a good form for people with a pain in your feet or your back. You should
start your hobby slowly. Doing too quickly can have bad effects.
You should cycle twice or three times a week. If you find you are in pain, you will stop and take a rest.
1.Why is cycling a good form of exercise?
2. Why might people with a pain in the back go cycling?
3. What will happen if you do too quickly?
4.How often should you go cycling?
S.What will you do if you find you are in pain
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