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19/07/2023 23:35:22

Read the following passage and the decide which option A,B,C or D best fits each space

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IX. Read the following passage and the decide which option A,B,C or D best fits each space.
Have you ever stopped (1)......... why people give each (2)........... eggs at Easter? - The Christian
festival of Easter celebrates the return of Christ from the dead, but the festival is actually name (3)...........
the goddess of the sun, Eostre, whose name is taken from the East where she (4)........... In very ancient
times, Easter was a celebration that winter was (5)......... and that a new life was about to begin. The rabbit,
(6)........... to the number of young it produces, it the symbol of life. In some parts of the world, the rabbit
leaves large (7) ......... of eggs (another symbol of new life ) in the garden and children have to find as many
as they can. This is very (8)............. Christmas when Santa Claus leave presents for individual children. At
Easter children have to be independent and (9)......... after themselves.
In this (10)........... the hunt for Easter eggs presents the need for young people to go out in to the
world and make their own fortune.
1. A. to wonder
2. A. else
3. A. for
4. A. goes
5. A. finish
6. A. as
7. A. numbers
8. A. like
9. A. take
10. A day
B. wondering
B. person
B. about
B. sets
B. conclusion
B. since
B. sums
B. unlike
B. get
B. way
C. wonder
C. others
C. after
C. rises
C. up
C. due
C. fingures
C. different
C. look
C. habit
D. wander
D. other
D. with
D. raises
D. over
D. because
D. totals
D. similar
D. carry
D. time
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