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21/07/2023 20:53:57

Complete each blank with one given word. There are more words than needed

Part 1: Complete each blank with ONE given word. There are more words than needed. (1,5 m)
although or
when who isn't
1. We're planting trees and flowers in the school garden. We hope to give..
the school.
... green color to
2. London is probably most famous
3. Our team didn't win the game .......... they played very well.
4. The ao dai consists of a long silk tunic.......... is slit on the sides and worn over
5. Don't leave the lights on .......... you leave the classroom.
6. Joe used to be a lot fatter than he is now, .......... he?
its museums, galleries, palaces, and other sights.
loose pants.
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