Bảo | Chat Online
21/07/2023 20:57:03

Complete each space with one of the words given below. Make changes if necessary

..... was friendly.
Part 6: Complete each space with one of the words given below. Make changes if necessary. (1,0 m)
Friendship is important to us. Everyone (1)
live without friendship just as we cannot survive without air and water. Friendship gives us a feeling
friendship. In all our lives, we cannot
of (2)...
and encourages us to go ahead all the time. But real friendship is not easy to find.
True friendship must be sincere and (3)
It is based on mutual (4)...
mutual benefit. Some people try to get benefits from their friends, and friends also try to make use
of them. If such a relationship is called friendship, we need no friends at all.
.......... not on
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