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Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D on your answer the correct answer to complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D on your answer the correct answer to complete the passage
My name's Mandi.Three months ago,I went to disco where I met a boy called Tom. I guessed he was older than
me, but I liked him and thought it didn't matter. We danced a couple of times, then we chatted. He said he was
8, then asked how old I was. I told him I was 16. I thought that if I told him my real age, he wouldn't want to
now me, as I'm only 13. After the dicso we arranged to meet the following weekend. The next Saturday we
went for a hamburger and had a real laugh. Afterwards he walked me to my street and kissed me
goodnight. Things went really well. We see each other a couple of times a week, but I've had to lie to my parents
about where I'm going and who with. I've always got on with them, but I know if they found out how Tom was,
they'd stop me seeing him. Now I really don't know what to do. I can't go on lying to my parents every time I go
out, and Tom keeps asking he can't come around to my house. I'm really worried and I felt complicated. I need
"From the helpline on the magazine for teens."
27. What's the best title for the passage?
some advice now.
A.Mandi's parents are angry with her.
B.Mandi's love with a naughty boy makes her parents bored
C. Tom has been behaving strangely.
D. The worries about Mandi's dishonesty.
28. Why has Mandi written this?
A to describe her boyfriend
29. Who is she writing to? explain a problem
B. a teenage magazine
A. her parents
30. Why can't Tom come to Mandi's house?
C. to defend her actions prove how clever she
C. her boyfriend
D. a school friend
C. She doesn't want him to see where she lives.
D. Her parents don't like him.
A. He's nervous of meeting her parents.
B. She doesn't want her parents to meet him.
31:According to the passage, all the followings are true, but one is NOT TRUE.
A. Tom doesn't know how old Mandi is
B. Everyone doesn't know that she is telling lie.
C.Mandi should start by being honest with everyone
D.Mandi tries to follow Tom so that he will love her
nur answer the correct answer to complete the passage.
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