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28/07/2023 21:54:13

Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question III: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.
The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the................- refuse) of the inhabitants of
No.13 to have any form of ............(2-communiate) with them. The trouble started over what is known as
noise................3-pollute). Every evening, the ..........(4- think) neighbours used to turn up the volume
on the TV so loud that no one in the (5- neighbour) was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what
.............(6-act) to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any(7-suggest) as to
how to deal with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in
No. 13 and ask them ......
..(8- polite) to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn
be(9- succeed), as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them. So on the
...............(10-advise) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court.
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