mingnguyetn | Chat Online
30/07/2023 12:29:49

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb provided

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Directions: Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb provided.
.(go) to bed late, he
(sleep in).
(sleep in), he
1. If Robert
2. If he
3. If he
4. If he
5. If Robert's boss
6. If Robert
7. If Robert's girlfriend
8. If she
9. If Robert,
10. If Robert
11. If Robert,
12. If Robert,
13. If Robert,
14. If Robert
15. If Robert,
(miss) the bus, he
(be) late for work, his boss
(be) angry, he
(lose) his job, his girlfriend
(get) upset again, she
(break up) with him, he
(feel) lonely, he,
(call) his friends, they.
(go) to the party, he
(drink) too much beer, he
(need) a ride home, he
(stay) until the end of the party, be
(get) home late, he
(miss) his bus.
(be) late for work.
(be) angry.
(fire) him.
(get) upset with him
(break up) with him.
(be) lonely.
(call) some friends.
(ask) him to their party.
(drink) too much beer.
(need) a ride home.
(have to) stay until the end of the party.
(get) home very late.
(go) to bed late.
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