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31/07/2023 19:59:27

Choose the best answers

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 1. Choose the best answers :
1. He said that he .....
A. has lived
2. She said that she
A. liked
B. to like
3. She asked me where I .......... from ?
B. to come
4. He wants to know whether I .......
A. will come
B. would come
5. He asked me
A. if
6. He asked her
A. when she leaves the party
C. when she left the party
7. They .…........ me if I could speak Japanese .
A. told
B. said
8. Jack asked Tim
A. if she were
9. Nam wanted to know what time ......
A. the movie began
B. the movie begins
C. does the movie begin
D. did the movie begin
10. They asked me how long did it take to get to Paris by train .
In Hanoi for five years.
B. had lived
B. when
C. was living
learning English with you.
C. liking
I could swim .
B. that she was
C. come
back the following day.
C. come
C. where
D. had been lived
C. talked
interested in any kinds of sports.
C. if were she
D. like
11. He said me that he would go to Hanoi the following week .
12. My father said that he will leave Hue the next day .
D. coming
B. when did she leave the party
D. when does she leave the party
D. came
D. that
D. asked
D. if she was
13 . I asked him how far was it to the station if I when there by taxi
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