linhh chaau | Chat Online
05/08/2023 14:41:01

Join each part of sentences by using a suitable conjunction: and, but, or, so, for

Ex4. Join each part of sentences by using a suitable conjunction : and, but, or, so, for.
1. The coach stopped at the final destination. Everyone got off.
2. Sweets taste so good. It is bad for your teeth.
3. You had better eat less junk food. You will gain weight.
4. My grandmother doesn't eat any meat. She is a vegetarian.
5. Would you like Korean food for lunch? Would you like Italian food for lunch?
6. Susan went on a safari. She wanted to see some wild animals.
7. I love seafood. I am allergic to crabs.
8. There was a heavy storm. Many houses were destroyed.
9. Anna is a beautiful girl. She is also very intelligent.
10. My house is quite small. It is very cosy.
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