Phương Dung Dương Thị | Chat Online
07/08/2023 18:36:58

Chọn đáp án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
BT 4. Chọn đáp án đúng
1. We can't go along here because the road
A. is repairing
B. is repaired
2. The story I've just read
A. was written
9. The telephones
A. is invented
3. I'm going to go out and
A. have cut my hair
4. Something funny
A. happened
5. Some film stars
A. are said be
B. are said to be
6. Today, many serious childhood diseases
A. are preventing
B. can prevent
7. Do you get your heating
A. checking
8. All bottles
A. frozen
10. They've already_
A. typed
B. was written by
B. have my hair cut
Agatha Christie.
B. check
B. was happened
C. is being repaired
in class yesterday.
B. was frozen
C. was written from
C. cut my hair
B. is inventing
difficult to work with.
C. happens
C. say to be
before transportation.
C. can be prevented
every year?
C. be checked
C. were frozen
by Alexander Graham Bell.
C. invented
D. repairs
by early immunization.
sir. They're on your desk.
B. been being typed C. being typed
D. wrote by
D. my hair be cut
D. is happened
D. said to be
D. prevent
D. checked
D. are froze
D. was invented
D. been typed
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