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08/08/2023 18:50:41

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of conditional sentence type 2

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
access to fresh water.
5. You use compact light bulbs. You save a lot of energy.
6. We have more space. We plant more trees.
Ex 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of conditional sentence type 2.
1. If I (be).
the president, I (pass)
2. If I (be)
you, I (not eat)
3. If big corporations (care).
the pollution from factories (not increase)
4. He (sort)
5. If the seas (pollute).
6. If I (not throw)
his trash, if he (be)
Coke is poison for wild animals.
7. If the factories (not dump)
that genetically modified potatoes.
more about the environment and less about their own pockets,
so fast.
, maybe the population of whales (recover)
this can of Coke into the bushes, I (not know)
you if you (be)
1. If you (send)
2. Kate (go)
3. She (spend)
4. If her boyfriend (phone/ not).
5. If you (go)
6. If he (have)
7. He (not buy)
8. If I (play).
9. If I (be)
10. I (invite)
8. What (do)
9. If the air (not be)
10. If I (own)
a lonely island, I (build)
Ex 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
untreated waste into the ocean, fish (die)
harder regulations for using fertilizers in
_dirty, the breathing problems (reduce)
this letter now, she (receive)
shopping if she (have)
a year in the USA if it (be)
_today, she (leave)
by bike more often, you (be/ not)
more time, he (earn)
so much clothes if he (not have)
the lottery yesterday, I (have)
rich, my life (change)
all my friends if I (have)
a huge house by the beach.
it tomorrow.
time in the afternoon.
easier to get a green card.
so flabby.
a chance to hit the jackpot.
a house by the beach.
Ex 7. Write conditional sentences type I or II for these situation.
1. People eat dirty food. They can be cancer.
2. A factory directly discharges a large volume of waste water into the Thi Vai River. The river is polluted.
3. Farmers use polluted water to water their plants. People eat these plants, they become sick with diseases
such as diarrhea, bacterial inflections even cancer.
4. Thermal pollution takes place. The water temperature in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans will increase or
decrease suddenly.
5. People live in radioactive pollution area. They can be skin cancer.
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