Phong Nguyen | Chat Online
15/08/2023 15:31:13

Fill in each gap with one suitable word or word phrase

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
each gap with one suitable word or word phrase
that she would be cheated by her closest friend one day.
. all my classmates.
the professor.
1. Little
2. I have passed the test and ...
3. Nam will not attend the conference and.
4. Not only is his new girlfriend good-looking .
5. Only when we left school ........
6. Should you ever be .......
7. Were ......
8. So......
9. Such .......
10. Had it not.
..... kind-hearted.
how devoted our teachers had been
help, don't hesitate to contact me.
Ile Grou oele aud
. less money on travels, they could buy a flat..
become that he ran away from the orphanage.
...... that she has been cheated by many people around.
I would not accept that tough job.
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