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15/08/2023 16:15:22

Match the sentences to make a pair of dialogues

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Match the sentences to make a pair of dialogues.
1. Many people out there need our help.
2. What did you donate at the event?
3. Are you glad to stay with the elderly?
4. She does a lot of work for charity.
5. How many orphans are there in the
6. There are a lot of street children in the
7. What does volunteer work helps her?
8. Thank you for your donation.
9. Why did he run in the race?
D. Let me make- eata
a. Yes, I am.
b. Don't mention it.
c. About 30.
d. Do you know the exact number?
e. You're right. We're luckier than them.
f. Volunteer work gives her life purpose.
g. Next week.
h. What kind of work does she do?
i. Most of my old books.
10. When do they start or volunteer j. He did it for the interests of the
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