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17/08/2023 10:36:31

Fill in each blank with one suitable word

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
6 Didn't you use to / Weren't you used to read a lot of mystery novels?
Exercise 2: Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
The world's most famous octopus, Paul, who (1) used to live in a tank at the Sea Life Centre in
Oberhausen, Germany, correctly predicted the outcome of Germany's seven World Cup matches and
the World Cup Final in 2010.
How did he do it? (2).
Paul's success just a matter of luck? For the selection process, Paul's keepers
mark two glass boxes with the flags of two competing countries. They placed food in both, and
whichever country Paul chose (4)
win the game. His chances of predicting all seven of Germany's
matches as well as the outcome of the final (5)
256-1. How can we explain Paul's amazing accuracy?
he have special
Was he choosing boxes on the basis of his attraction to the countries' flags? Or (6)
psychic powers? Unfortunately, we'll never know. Paul died in October 2010.
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