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19/08/2023 22:00:29

Complete the conversation with correct words from the box

Giúp mik vs ạ mik cần gấp 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Complete the conversation with correct words from the box.
Given words: should started was riding
Doctor: Good morning. I'm Dr. Smith.
Patient: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: You look pale. What's the matter?
Patient: I have a temperature and a sore throat.
Doctor: Let me see... You've got a cold.
Patient: I think so too. I (1)........... my bike yesterday when it (2).
rode under the rain.
Doctor: Next time, you'd (3).............. find a place to hide. It's easy to catch a cold if you get wet.
Patient: Yes, doctor.
...........to rain. I didn't bring my raincoat so I just
Doctor: Have you taken any types of medicine lately?
Patient: I took an aspirin yesterday because I had a rather terrible headache. You know. A friend of mine visited
me yesterday so I took him around the town. Unfortunately, we were finding the way home (4).......... it suddenly
rained again.
Doctor: Good. I'm giving you two medicines. You (5)
Patient: Alright!
Doctor: Do you've any other questions?
Patient: No, doctor. Thank you.
Doctor: So your friend got wet too. Is he okay now?
Patient: Luckily he is.
Doctor: That's good. Anything else besides an aspirin for your headache yesterday?
Patient: Hmm... No.
.............. drink one of them before the meals and one after
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