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21/08/2023 17:35:45

For each question, choose the correct answer

Giải giúp mik vs ạ mik cần gấp 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
For each question, choose the correct answer
Please arrive at least 15
minutes before the time
of your appointment.
A. You must get to this place early.
B. You can stay at this place for
15 minutes.
C. You cannot make an
appointment here.
From: Anna
To: Bella
2 Hi Bella,
I heard that you broke your leg
when you fell off the stairs. How
are you feeling now? You should be
more careful next time. Get better
A. Bella was careless and broke her leg.
B. Anna got over from her sickness.
C. Bella shouldn't use the stairs from
For each question, choose the correct picture
11 Which dentist is Chloe seeing this week?
A. Dr. Carter
B. Dr. Copper
C. Dr. Jackson
Hi Mum,
Why didn't you answer my call?
Please call me back when you read
this message. Ann's just fallen off
the stairs. I called the ambulance
and they will come here soon.
13 When will Chloe see the dentist?
A. On Tuesday afternoon
B. On Thursday morning
C. On Thursday afternoon
Harold sent his mum this message
A. to tell her that he hurt himself.
You will hear Chloe talking to a staff about her appointment with the dentist.
B. because she didn't pick up his call.
C. to ask her to call an ambulance.
12 How many times did Chloe see Dr. Carter?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
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