Phong Nguyen | Chat Online
22/08/2023 09:29:57

Viết lại câu với nghĩa không đổi: That is the boy. He broke my window

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
6. That is the boy. He broke my window
7.April Fool's Day is a day. People play tricks on friends on that day
8. We visited the factory. Many modern cars were painted in that factory
9.The boy will be punished. He threw that stone
10.My sister wants to speak to you. You met her yesterday
11.The flowers were roses. I bought the flowers for my sister
12. The girl is beautiful. Her dress is red
13.Do you know the man? He sat next to me at the dinner last night
14. The car was very modern. Mr Green was driving the car
15.The woman is a nurse. We saw the woman's daughter last week
16. The house was built 20 years ago. We are living in the house
17. We went away in August. The children were on holiday from school at that time
18.Mrs Jackson died yesterday. She had been ill for a long time
19.My English teacher is an American. He speaks Vietnamese very well
20.That is the singer. I was telling you about her
21. The boy is a friend of mine. You are using his dictionary
22. The people were nice. We visited their houses yesterday
23.I like the house. Its walls were made of glass
24.My sister is trying to get a job. Her children are at school all day
25.I read about the child. His life was saved by her pet dog
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